It is actually a dp solution, but since we only need dp[i-1] to calculate dp, I'm using a prevSum to replace the dp[] array to reduce space usage
prevSum -> dp[i-1] -> result of count of all subsequence of substring [0, i-1]
The tricky part is how can we eliminate duplicates
When a new char s.charAt(i) comes, we can decide either append it to previous strings or not
---> If we do append, we can append current char to all previous sub strings -> This is the most tricky part!!!!
e.g. c a a
1c-> c
2a-> ca a | c
3caa-> caa aa ca a | ca a c
See the 3rd line, the "append" part will always cover the previous "append" part, so we are not adding the count of "end with a" by (prevSum + 1) -> we are actually REPLACING the count of "end with a" by (prevSum + 1)
---> If we decide to skip, we only care about all previous results that not end with "a"
98.80 %
class Solution {
public int distinctSubseqII(String S) {
// a b c
// a -> a
// b -> ab b
// c -> ac abc bc c
// 1 append 2 skip
// a b a
// a -> a a ""
// b -> ab b ab b a ""
// a -> aa aba ba a aba ba aa a ab b a "" -> exclude all answers end with current char
long[] counter = new long[26];
long prevSum = 0;
long mod = (long)(1e9 + 7);
long curr = 0;
for (int i = 0; i < S.length(); i++) {
// append
curr = prevSum + 1; // append to all previous sub sequences or append itself
int index = S.charAt(i) - 'a';
counter[index] = curr;
for (int j = 0; j < 26; j++) {
if (j != index) {
curr += counter[j];
curr = curr % mod;
prevSum = curr; // result of substring [0, i]
return (int)curr;
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