Version #3 HashMap of stones and Keep recording the failed tries
Give the k of last step, we know now we can only jump k-1, k, k+1
current position x + k-1/k/k+1 is not a valid stone position, then no need to explore
Pruning -> given a position x, if we have tried that there's no way for us to read the end given a k, then next time we come to x again, we know that we don't need to explore x with a k again
So I maintained a Map<Integer, Set<Integer>> whose key is position x, and value is set of invalid k
Time O(3^step) ??
Space O(nk) ??
79.15 %
class Solution {
public boolean canCross(int[] stones) {
Set<Integer> stoneSet = new HashSet<>();
Map<Integer, Set<Integer>> failMap = new HashMap<>();
for (int stone : stones) {
failMap.put(stone, new HashSet<>());
if (!stoneSet.contains(1)) {
return false;
return dfs(failMap, stoneSet, 1, 1, stones[stones.length - 1]);
private boolean dfs(Map<Integer, Set<Integer>> failMap, Set<Integer> stoneSet, int x, int k, int target) {
if (x >= target) {
return true;
for (int nextK = k - 1; nextK <= k + 1; nextK++) {
if (nextK > 0 && stoneSet.contains(x + nextK)) {
if (!failMap.get(x).contains(nextK) && dfs(failMap, stoneSet, x + nextK, nextK, target)) {
return true;
} else {
return false;
Version #2 HashMap of steps
给每一个石头的position维护一个以position为key,能够往前走的steps set 为value的hashmap
每次走到一个石头,遍历它的set,如果从当前pos + k 能走到另外一个石头(hashmap contains key),那么就在能走到的那个石头的set里面加上k, k - 1, k + 1
如果pos + k恰好等于最后一块石头的pos,就直接返回true
一个bug是一直有 concurrent exception
后来发现在代码里加上 if (k > 1) { set.add(k - 1) } 的限制条件就行了
这样保证正在iterate 的set 和之后add的set不会是同一个set
又仔细想了想,这个问题主要是针对 j = 0 (pos = 0) 和j = 1 (pos = 1)的时候两个edge case
62.82 %
class Solution {
public boolean canCross(int[] stones) {
if (stones == null || stones.length == 0) return false;
if (stones.length == 1) return true;
if (stones[1] > 1) return false;
// key-stone position, value-set of possible steps
Map<Integer, Set<Integer>> steps = new HashMap<>();
int length = stones.length;
for (int i = 0; i < length; i++) {
steps.put(stones[i], new HashSet<>());
Set<Integer> currKSet = null;
Set<Integer> nextKSet = null;
for (int j = 0; j < length - 1; j++) {
for (int k : steps.get(stones[j])) {
int next = stones[j] + k;
if (next == stones[length - 1]) return true;
nextKSet = steps.get(next);
if (nextKSet != null) {
if (k > 1) {
nextKSet.add(k - 1);
nextKSet.add(k + 1);
return false;
Version #1
优化方法是维护一个hashmap key是dist from start point,value是index
这样可以直接搜索出距离当前position 的距离为k-1, k, k+1的stone是否存在
所以是一个list of hashmap,每一个stone里面有一个相应的以k为key,canCross为value的hashmap
80.22 %
public class Solution {
public boolean canCross(int[] stones) {
if (stones == null) throw new IllegalArgumentException();
if (stones.length <= 1) return true;
//must jump 1 step
if (stones[1] > 1) return false;
//for every stone, there's a hash map
//key-k(last step), value-canCross
List<Map<Integer, Boolean>> visited = new ArrayList<>();
for (int i = 0; i < stones.length; i++) {
visited.add(new HashMap<Integer, Boolean>());
//Standing at the first stone && had jumped 1 step
return canCross(stones, 1, 1, visited);
//Standing at each position, the frog can jump to the stone in k-1/k/k+1 units, k is the jumpint distance of the last step
private boolean canCross(int[] stones, int position, int k, List<Map<Integer, Boolean>> visited) {
Map<Integer, Boolean> visitedMap = visited.get(position);
if (visitedMap.containsKey(k)) return visitedMap.get(k);
if (position == stones.length - 1) return true;
for (int nextPosition = position + 1; nextPosition < stones.length; nextPosition++) {
int dist = stones[nextPosition] - stones[position];
if (dist < k - 1) continue;
if (dist > k + 1) break;
//k-1 <= dist <= k+1
if (canCross(stones, nextPosition, dist, visited)) {
visitedMap.put(k, true);
return true;
visitedMap.put(k, false);
return false;
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